For all the SecureWebPayments products, like Driver Restore, Driver Whiz, System Optimizer Pro, System Doctor Pro and more, the full refund period is 60 days from the date of your purchased order. The purchases can be cancelled or refunded within the above mentioned time period to offer our user simple and hassle-free experiences.

Full Refund : A user can apply for full refund if-
If we are unable to offer an updated driver that we have presented when you did the free scan for the functioning hardware devices.
If by mistake you have purchased multiple orders.
No Refund :
Once the 60 days refund policy has been expired, we are unable to provide you the refund.

The refund can be processed whether you originally paid via Paypal or credit card. To request a refund please include your name, date of purchase as this will help expedite your request.

Your Name (required)

Your Email (required)

Subject (required)

Your Message (required)